Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Talk That Just Won't Die

Yesterday I had my office door open for office hours. The Dean, John Rosenberg, poked his head in and mentioned that one of the youth speakers (a lovely young lady according to him) in his ward Sunday spoke on the "parable of the chewing gum" by Brother Phillip A. Snyder. John said he thought, "I know that guy."

He then asked me how the khaki trousers were doing. I said that they were just fine, still hanging in my closet, and then told him about giving the talk on repentance in Chapel Hill, having it published in The New Era, and then a year later hearing a Carolina freshman read large excerpts from it from the same pulpit where it was given originally, all while the entire congregation giggled. She couldn't figure out what was happening until she sat back down, and the counselor sitting next to her, Gary Hatch, pointed toward me and whispered something in her ear. She just buried her head in her hands.

I suppose The New Era article is filed away at lds.org so it's readily accessible to anyone who logs on.


kate said...

Now I'm inspired to look it up....

racetri.com said...

The talk that won't die or the greatest talk in the world?

Dad you're a bad ass!

Marc said...

Look no further. Long live Brother Phillip.

Marc said...
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